Torch Boosters supply high pressure gas directly to torches and burners
Refuelers let you fill G-TEC cylinders with high pressure natural gas
Natural Gas Cylinders hold 130 cubic feet of natural gas at 275 psi
Purchase a G-TEC Natural Gas Pressure Booster
How To Install your G-TEC System
G-TEC Systems are Approved across the US and Canada
Contact G-TEC if you have questions
Use a G-TEC natural gas pressure booster for almost any torch or burner application
“Can I do that with natural gas?” is a question we answer all the time...and most often the answer is “Yes!” People are surprised how well high-pressure natural gas works for a wide variety of torch applications.
Please call us at 716-831-9695 to discuss your fuel gas requirements and let us design a unique solution for you!

Cleaning recycled aluminum auto
wheels for reconditioning
Natural gas flame keeps
plastic insulation flowing smoothly when coating wires and cables
Here are some examples of additional G-TEC applications
Hi-pressure natural gas can replace acetylene, propane and other fuel gases for almost anything except fusion welding. Today G-TEC customers are using high-pressure natural gas to…
Provide a shielding flame when melting alloys of precious metals
Remove flashings from injection molded auto bumpers
Apply insulation to manufactured wire
Fuel coffee roasters and taco machines
Fuel cell research and development
Test boiler performance with natural gas/hydrogen fuel
Manufacture burial caskets
Repair railroad cars
Braze musical instruments
Relieve surface tension on auto dashboard supports prior to gluing finish facings
Cut non-ferrous metals with powder torches
Thermal debur molded parts
Clean paint and other contaminants from production equipment
Test natural gas engines
Cut metal gratings

A natural gas torch washes over plastic auto dashboard parts to relieve surface tension and make adhesives perform better during assembly.
Call G-TEC - tell us about your gas flow volume and pressure requirement, current building gas pressure and your application duty cycle and we can match the right natural gas pressure booster system for you!
716-831-9695 / info@gas-tec.com
Torch Boosters supply high pressure gas directly to torches and burners
Refuelers let you fill G-TEC cylinders with high pressure natural gas
Natural Gas Cylinders hold 130 cubic feet of natural gas at 275 psi
Purchase a G-TEC Natural Gas Pressure Booster
How To Install your G-TEC System
G-TEC Systems are Approved across the US and Canada
Contact G-TEC if you have questions