Torch Boosters supply high pressure gas directly to torches and burners
Refuelers let you fill G-TEC cylinders with high pressure natural gas
Natural Gas Cylinders hold 130 cubic feet of natural gas at 275 psi
Purchase a G-TEC Natural Gas Pressure Booster
Torch Applications work better with high pressure natural gas
G-TEC Systems are Approved across the US and Canada
Contact G-TEC if you have questions
How to install G-TEC Natural Gas Torch Boosters and Refueler Pressure Booster Systems
This is a general description of how to install G-TEC Natural Gas Torch Boosters and Refuelers Pressure Boosters.
Please read the Owners Manual that is included with your G-TEC system for complete installation details
Note: G-TEC Natural Gas Torch Boosters and Refuelers must be installed by a person qualified to work on natural gas pipes. Do not install a G-TEC system yourself unless you are qualified.
How to install TB-15/30/60/125 Torch Boosters, Refueler 60 and DM-60 Torch Booster/Refueler
How to install TB-15/30/60/125 Torch Boosters, Refueler 60, DM-60 Torch Booster/Refueler

G-TEC Torch Boosters and Refuelers connect to a low pressure utility supply pipe with a flexible hose. G-TEC also includes a shut off valve for the utility natural gas pipe and the hose screws on to fittings at each end.
Supply pipe diameter varies from 1/2" to 1" depending on Booster model and power requirement is 120V 15 amp for all systems except TB-125 Torch Booster which is 120V 20 amp.
Install a tee fitting in the building low pressure gas pipe

TB-15/30 Torch Boosters require a minimum 1/2" diameter low pressure gas supply pipe. TB-60, Refueler 60 and DM-60 require a minimum 3/4" diameter gas supply pipe. TB-125 requires a minimum 1" diameter low pressure gas supply pipe but the tee should be 3/4" diameter. Do not connect a Booster/Refueler to a pipe leg that ends in a heater, oven or other high volume gas consumption equipment. Connect to a backbone pipe that supplies multiple legs. Building gas supply should be between 1/4 psi to 5 psi.
Do not attempt this installation yourself unless you are qualified to work on natural gas pipes.
Connect the ball valve to the tee
The shut off valve for TB-15/30 Torch Boosters is 1/2"; for all others the valve is 3/4". Apply Teflon (TM) sealant to the thread on the pipe tee before screwing on the valve.
Apply Teflon(TM) sealant to the end of the tee pipe

Screw the ball valve onto the pipe tee and tighten with a wrench

Connect the flexible supply hose to the shut off valve
After the shut off valve is connected to the supply pipe tee screw the adapter fitting into the valve. Be sure to use Teflon(TM) sealant for this fitting and tighten the adapter with a wrench. Next, screw the flexible hose on to the adapter and tighten with a wrench. Do not use Teflon (TM) sealant on this connection - it is a flare fitting.
Connect the other end of the supply hose to the gas inlet fitting on the back of the Torch Booster/Refueler 60 or DM-60

You must use the hose supplied by G-TEC. Do not substitute any other hose, hard pipe or yellow flex hose. Safety equipment inside the unit is calibrated to the hose provided and any other connection may cause the unit to fail to start or shut off without warning.
Do not use Teflon(TM) sealant on this connection - it is a flare fitting.
Connect a regulator and flashback arrestor to the gas outlet fitting if you have a Torch Booster

Normal outlet pressure of the TB-15/30/60 and 125 Torch Boosters is 25 psi so a regulator is required to set pressure between 1-25 psi. The outlet fitting on the TB-15/30/60 is 1/8" NPT and the outlet fitting on the TB-125 is 1/4" NPT. TB-15/30/60 Torch Boosters include a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter bushing as many rear entry regulators have a 1/4" female connection on the back. These regulators can be screwed right on to the high pressure outlet of the TB-125 Torch Booster. Use Teflon (TM) sealant on these threads.
If your torch has connections for flashback arrestors then connect the torch directly to the regulator. If your torch does not have connections for a flashback arrestor then install a "regulator mount" combination flashback arrestor check valve on the regulator. DO NOT use Teflon (TM) sealant on these threads.
If your torch has fittings for a flashback arrestor you can connect directly to the Torch Booster

If your torch has fittings for flashback arrestors then you can connect it right to the high pressure outlet of the Torch Booster. TB-15/30 and 60 Torch Boosters include an adapter that presents a male B fitting for your torch hose. Use Teflon(TM) sealant where the adapter screws on to the high pressure outlet. Do not use sealant where the torch hose screws on to the male B connection.
If you have a regulator with a CGA 510 stem you can connect that to the Torch Booster
If you already own a regulator with a CGA 510 stem (it would screw on to a 20 lb propane BBQ tank) then you can use it with a Torch Booster. An adapter is included with the TB-15/30/60 Torch Booster; it is an add-on option with the TB-125 Torch Booster. Be sure you have a flashback arrestor either on your torch or at your regulator.
If your regulator has two gauges then support the weight of the regulator with a block of wood because they tend to be heavy and the outlet of the Booster is small.

How to start your Torch Booster
When starting the Torch Booster first turn on the power...the fan and lights should come on. Press START - the right side toggle switch for TB-15/30, the black button for TB-60/125 AND HOLD UNTIL THE AMBER RESET LIGHT GOES OUT. As a safety feature Torch Boosters must build an internal pressure of 22-23 psi and the amber reset light will go out when this occurs. If you release the START button before the amber light goes out the Booster will stop. It should only take a few seconds for the Booster to reach operating pressure.
If the the Torch Booster fails to start, makes a "click-click-click" sound or seems to struggle when starting, STOP AND CALL G-TEC AT 716-831-9695. DO NOT KEEP TRYING TO START THE BOOSTER - YOU CAN DAMAGE IT.
The Torch Booster has a sensor that checks for sufficient gas pressure to allow the unit to start. This sensor is calibrated for typical utility gas pressure but in some cases gas pressure may vary and the sensor may need to be adjusted. This done by turning a screw...we'll explain which screw and which way to turn it.
Connect your Refueler to a natural gas cylinder or G-TEC Manifold

Your Refueler comes with a hose to connect to either a single cylinder (left) or a G-TEC Manifold (right). Cylinder valves are female CGA 510.

How to start your Refueler and fill a cylinder for the first time
Before starting the Refueler make sure the gas valve at the low pressure gas pipe is open and gas is flowing to the Refueler.
Close the valve(s) on your cylinder(s). Press the green button and the fan and lights on the front panel will come on. Press and hold the black button until the amber reset light goes out then monitor the pressure gauge on the front panel. When it reaches 100 psi very slightly crack open the cylinder valve. Pressure will start to fall...adjust the valve so pressure stabilizes at about 100 psi and let the unit run like this for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes open the valve all the way and let the Refueler continue to fill the cylinder(s).
G-TEC cylinders are shipped with a vacuum and the Refueler needs to see back pressure from the cylinder to run. This process relieves the vacuum and is only necessary when filling a new cylinder the first time. After the first fill you can connect the Refueler to the cylinder(s), open the valve all the way and start the Refueler.
If the the Refueler fails to start, makes a "click-click-click" sound or seems to struggle when starting, STOP AND CALL G-TEC AT 716-831-9695. DO NOT KEEP TRYING TO START THE BOOSTER - YOU CAN DAMAGE IT.
How to install TB-250/500 Torch Booster, Refueler 180 Cylinder Filling System

TB-250 and TB-500 Torch Boosters and Refueler 180 Cylinder Filling Systems are hard piped to the low pressure natural gas building pipe. There are two gas inlet fittings on the rear panel of the unit - the left side is for gas supply pressure between 1-5 psi and the inlet on the right, closer to the red/yellow power switch, is for gas supply pressure less than 1 psi. Whichever inlet you use be sure to cap the other inlet using Teflon(TM) sealant. Failure to cap and seal the unused inlet will allow air to get into the unit and VOID THE WARRANTY.
These units require a minimum 1 1/2" diameter low pressure supply pipe that comes as close to the rear of the unit as possible then reduces to a 3/4" pipe to connect to the inlet on the cabinet. The 3/4" pipe should be as short and straight as possible.
Cabinet dimensions are 28"W x 24"D x 20"T - allow 12" space on all sides of the cabinet for cooling air flow and scheduled maintenance access. Do not place the unit under a counter or where a ladder is required for access.
System weights are TB-250 - 175 lb, TB-500 - 285 lb, Refueler 180 - 175 lb.
Electrical requirement for the Refueler 180 is 120V 30 amp service. For the TB-250 and TB-500 Torch Boosters the electrical requirement is 208V single phase 30 amp and it is essential that this parameter be measured and met. Measure supply voltage when the compressor are running. Voltage in excess of 220V or less than 200V will cause high amperage, burning at wire connections and VOID THE WARRANTY. High voltage will cause high amperage and the Booster will spontaneously shut down. Some customers assume their power supply is 208V and don't actually measure it until their Torch Booster starts shutting down in the middle of a job.
How to install TB-HVOF Torch Booster

TB-HVOF Torch Booster is hard piped to the low pressure building natural gas pipe. There are two inlets on the right side panel of the unit - the inlet on the left side is for gas supply pressure between 1/4 - 5 psi and the inlet on the right is for gas supply pressure between 5 - 15 psi. Whichever inlet fitting you connect to cap the other inlet using Teflon(TM) sealant. If air gets into the Torch Booster it will destroy the compressors and VOID THE WARRANTY.
TB-HVOF Torch Booster requires a minimum 1 1/2" diameter low pressure gas supply pipe that comes as close to the inlet panel as possible then reduces to 3/4" for the final connection. The 3/4" pipe should be as short as possible.
Cabinet dimensions are 50 1/2"W x 33" D x 32"T - allow 12" space on all sides of the cabinet for cooling air flow and scheduled maintenance access. Place the unit on a bench top - we recommend AGAINST placing the unit under a table/shelf of where a ladder is required for access. Once per year the cover must be removed for schedule maintenance - please the unit where it will be easy to do this work.
TB-HVOF weighs 550 lb.
Electrical requirement is 208V single phase 60 Hz / 230V 50 Hz 40 amp service and it is essential that this parameter is met. Measure voltage when the TB-HVOF compressors are running. Voltage in excess of 220V or less than 200V will cause high amperage, burning at wire connections and VOID THE WARRANTY. High or low voltage will cause high amperage and the TB-HVOF may shut down spontaneously. Sometimes customers assume their voltage is correct and do not measure it until the TB-HVOF starts shutting down in the middle of a job.
Torch Boosters supply high pressure gas directly to torches and burners
Refuelers let you fill G-TEC cylinders with high pressure natural gas
Natural Gas Cylinders hold 130 cubic feet of natural gas at 275 psi
Purchase a G-TEC Natural Gas Pressure Booster
Torch Applications work better with high pressure natural gas
G-TEC Systems are Approved across the US and Canada
Contact G-TEC if you have questions